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The delegation of the Iraqi Human Rights Ministry in visit to Iraqi Human Rights Society

The delegation of the Iraqi Human Rights Ministry in visit to Iraqi Human Rights Society




On Jan, 21, 2012 in the city of Erbil, a delegation from the Ministry of Human Rights in Iraq included Mr. Obaid Abdullah Hawas, director of Minority Rights, Mr. Essam Ibrahim Mohamed and Mr. Fahad Haider visited Mr. Hamid Murad, branch leader of the Iraqi Society for Human Rights of the USA in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Mr. Hussein Rubaie, a member of the Media Committee of the Society.
The president of the Society expressed his warm welcome to the delegation of the ministry, adding that the goal of the Society is to work for the rights of all Iraqis, and focuses on the sufferings of the diverse groups (Chaldean Syriac Assyrians, Armenians, Shabak, Yazidis, Sabean Kakayea and Baha’i). He reminded that Iraq is a made of different beliefs which created the country history. Mr. Murad also requested the delegation to ease the life of many families, victims of violence and terrorism.
At the end of the meeting, Mr. Obaid Abdullah talked about the work of the department of minorities in the ministry, which focuses on helping children of minorities and ending the challenges they face to achieve justice and equality. He also explained the purpose of this visit to meet the needs of the displaced peoples, such as ration card, jobs, schools, universities and pensions, retirements to will be sent to the prime minister. The delegation will visit the children of minorities and displaced people in the plain of Nineveh, and the Governor of Dohuk and Sulaymaniyah.

Iraqi Human Rights Society

22 \ January \ 2012


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