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Mr. Khales Isho, Member of the Iraqi Board of Representatives met the members of Iraqi Human Rights Society in USA

Mr. Khales Isho, Member of the Iraqi Board of Representatives

 met the members of Iraqi Human Rights Society in USA

 Mr. Khales Isho, Deputy of the Iraqi Parliament and head of the Chaldean Syriac Assyrian People Council met the members of the Iraqi human rights society  on 14/11/2011 in the city of Detroit, Michigan U.S.A.

At the beginning of the meeting Mr. Mahmoud Al Tai, Vice President of the Society, welcomed Mr. Isho and the accompanying delegation. He wished him a pleasant stay and success in his trip to the United States. Then Deputy Isho started the meeting with a view to the ongoing political process in Iraq. The country is faced with the significant challenges bringing about a sense of national unity where there are diversities in the social and democratic ideals. He explained the functions of Parliament carrying out the constitution and legislation, called all Iraqi to come together for an essential communication between Iraqis outside of the homeland and their mother country. Afterwards the Society discussed the topics concerning the administration of laws pertaining to women, the role of the Parliament on the issues of homeless children, orphans, widows, the rights of war victims, and the refugees. At this meeting were also present Mr. Stepho Habash and Antoine Alsana, members of the Chaldean Syriac Assyrian People Council, and Mr. Hassan Al Asadi, Samira Gorie, Sameh Korkis, Salem Jamil and Abed Francis, members of the Iraqi Human Rights Society.

Iraqi Human Rights Society
11 \ 14 \ 2011


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